About me



The transformation began

I have always been someone who was quite fat and gained weight easily. I was never really interested in nutrition until I was 20, although I started working out in the gym when I was 16. fitness became more and more important every year, but I asked myself why there wasn't much happening to my body.

When I moved into my own apartment, my diet became a lot worse until one day I weighed 120 kilos and was 1.82 m tall. There came a point where I realized that something had to change. I didn't want to have to wear size XXL anymore. I no longer wanted to outwardly claim that I weighed around 100 kilos, even though it was actually 20 kilos more. Statements from people around me like “You have heavy bones!” or "You're not fat, you have muscles too." I began to doubt for the first time. I realized that people only say that out of politeness. I realized that I have to be happy myself.

The turning point

Sports I've always done it, but of course it hasn't had much effect because my... Nutrition was always the biggest weak point. I closed my mind to this topic and was of the opinion that healthy food can't taste. Above all, I had the misconception that one could... Lose weight I only have to eat things like fruit and vegetables. When I finally made a few changes, I realized that the whole thing wasn't as complicated as I previously thought. I swapped the white bread for wholemeal bread, took low-fat milk instead of whole milk and through little things like that I was already seeing the first results on the scales. Now I knew that there was a way.

When I saw the first 5 kilos fall, I tasted blood. I wanted more, I really wanted to continue on this path, which I did. Today I have lost an impressive 20 kilos and I have gained a lot of muscle mass thanks to intensive and regular training. Nutrition has become my absolute favorite topic because I realized that a lot can be controlled through it and that there are countless foods and dishes that can be healthy and also extremely tasty. Today I can truly say that my life, my body and my attitude have turned 180 degrees.

Different than the others

You may have already noticed that my homepage looks a little different than most Nutritionist/ inside or personal trainer /Inside. This is because I am generally different than most people who work in this professional field. My approach is different, especially in contrast to most nutritionists, because I want to take you by the hand or at least show you a path that you can take long term can go. Even in individual ones Counseling sessions I make sure that the tips I give people individually are. By the way, individual doesn't just mean up Intolerances etc., but also to your actually implementable options. There are definitely people who really like fast food and the like. are conditioned to find fresh fruit and vegetables disgusting. There's no point in telling them how healthy it is. It is much more helpful if you start exactly where you are and the Diet change designed to be as mild and practical as possible. That can sometimes mean that white bread or some Nutella is still on the menu, but in a measured and controlled manner. This is just one example of many, so you get a rough idea of how individual my work really is.

What distinguishes John Fiedler from ordinary nutritionists?


Of course I also have a private life, but I always answer when it's convenient. This can also be at 11 p.m. in the evening or on the weekend.


Your needs and everyday routines are the focus. I approach each person in a new way.


That's why I always maintain a relaxed but serious relationship with people. I don't go down to the basement to laugh!


I have completed certain distance learning courses, but in my opinion they are not that important. I gained most of my knowledge through personal experiences with myself and my clients.

I have the following licenses:
Fitness trainer B license
Nutrition trainer B license
Weight Management Consultant
Some people have already benefited from my passion:
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